Goeie More Lianda
Baie dankie vir die terugvoer. Julle lewer ‘n puik diens.
Heerlike Woensdag vir julle.
Vriendelike Groete
Anelene van der BergHouseworx
Hallo Carol
Dankie dat jy so oulik en op die "ball" is. Dit is so aangenaam om met mense te werk wat bevoeg is.
Amanda du PlessisPERSONAL
Baie dankie Lynne.
Waardeer jou moeite en hulp regtig baie.
Ons doen uiteraard besigheid deur heelwat prokureursfirmas en ek kan eerlik se dat ek nog nie jou gelyke erens ander teegekom het nie. Die effektiwiteit en vriendelikheid van jou diens staan werklik kop en skouers uit bo dit wat ek beleef by ander firmas. Jy kan regtig trots wees.
Wil julle bedank vir die wonderlike middag! Johan het hom goed van sy taak gekwyt(oortref) en die gasspreker was puik!
Baie dankie dat ons dit kon bywoon.
Vriendelike groete
Charmaine van der LindeFor the love of property
Hallo Rouxlene,
Please will you convey our sincere thanks to Eddie, Johan, Corrie and the team for a very valuable and informative session? We are grateful to have been included in your kind invitation and enjoyed the
networking session immensely.
Karen, jy het die transaksie meesterlik
hanteer. Ek weet dat die verkoper baie op
jou staat gemaak het en baie van jou tya
in beslag geneem het.
Hy het groot waardering vir jou
Baie dankie daarvoor.
Mooi dag
My klient, Mr Johan Meintiles
van die boedel wyle JM Louw
het gevra ek moet die direkteur
asseblief in kennis stel van die
uitmuntende diens wat
hy elke keer by Meriam ontvang
en haar vriendelikheid en die feit
dat sy altyd behulpsaam is.
Hy het gister ingeloop by die
kantoor (hy was in die area en
het nie 'n afsprakie gehad nie)
en sy was baie vriendelik en
Thank you Linda for the news.
This is great news.
Thanks always to you and your team for
the professionalism and efficient
Kind regards
Hi Lianda
Vreeslik baie dankie vir al jou harde werk en
dat jy die een op die regte tyd laat registreer
Ek, die verkopers en kopers waardeer dit
bitter bitter baie©
Marthie Gerber
Hi Lianda/Micaela/ Landi (Mooie dames) /en
Dankie weereens vir julle goeie werk soos
altyd met my OTP!
Julle is net amazing verby!
Baie hartlik dank Karen vir uitstekende diens en
kommunikasie. Weet asseblief dat ek dit baie
waardeer en die grootste respek daarvoor het. Jy
oortref letterlik alle reels van profesionaliteit en
dit laat 'n klient ontsettend veilig voel EN dit is
immers waaroor dit gaan.
Jou goeie wense word opreg waardeer behalwe
dat ek dink ons begin inderdaad 'n nuwe boek.
Hierdie transaksie was die vorige boek se laaste
Mag dit met jou net goed gaan vorentoe.
Hartlike groete
I hope this message finds you well.
I wanted to extend a sincere thank you for your invaluable
assistance in registering the property. Your expertise and support
throughout the process were truly appreciated, and we are grateful
for your dedication to ensuring everything was completed smoothly
and efficiently.
Your professionalism and attention to detail made a significant
difference, and we are confident that the registration process was
successful thanks to your efforts.
Once again, thank you for your help. We look forward to continuing
our collaboration in the future.
Best regards,
Baie dankie vir julle
goeie diens!!! Julle
is voorwaar n
formidable span!!!
Dear All,
My husband, Paul, and I would like to thank
each and every one of you for handling the
sale of our Unit 9, Val De Rama so efficiently
and so quickly. We shall certainly refer others
to your efficient and helpful services.
Yours sincerely,
Hi Karien,
Thank you very much for your assistance in
getting the registration done so quickly!
It was a pleasure working with SDJ!
Kind regards,
Goeiemiddag Christelle, Kyla, Mr Johan
Muller en Mr Kyle Stanley - Snyman de
Jager Prokureurs
Vertrou dit gaan nou sommer baie goed.
Ek wil net vir almal van julle sé wat betrokke
was by Snyman De Jager Prokureurs op
hierdie Transaksie, vreeslik dankie vir elkeen
se harde werk en moeite om hierdie
transaksie uiteindelik te kon lat Registreer.
Dankie dat julle nou saamgewerk het met
die Kopers, Verkopers en Investec om
oplossings te kon bied sodat die Transaksie
kon registreer.
Sal julle beslis wil gebruik in die toekoms as
ek n keuse het.
Groete en mooibly
I did not once doubt about anything. The
attorneys SDJ Inc was swift, efficient and
professional during the transaction.
Thank you for everything.
Hi Lisa & Manda
Thanks for your hard work and prompt response
and follow ups.
I really appreciate the service and will definitely
be working with you guys in the future.
All the best
Baie dankie Lianda, soos gewoonlik
puik werk.
Baie dankie vir al jou harde werk met
Bermudez transaksie.
Ek waardeer dit baie!
Lindi en Johan.
Dankie weereens vir julle uiters professionele
diens te alle tye!
Hierdie was "n tawwe transaksie..
Ansie en Inge
Goeiedag Liandi
Baie baie dankie vir jou professionele diens om
hierdie transaksie vandag te laat registreer.
Snyman de Jager is maar net die die beste firma
om mee te deel.
Middag Christelle,
Baie dankie vir jou harde en flinke diens!
Ek waardeer.
Ben Taljaard
Hi Lindi,
Thank you for your assistance and incredible
fast work on this transfer. It has been an
absolute pleasure working with you, and we
look forward to working with you again in the
Have a great day.
Kind regards,
Drikus van RooyenCEO
Middag Sophia,
Snyman de Jager Attorneys is uitstekend,
veral Christelle wat met die oordrag gewerk
het - sy is briljant!
Ons gesels weer.
Hi Lindi
Hierdie en was onderhewig an 'n hele paar gelyklopende
Jy het weer eens soos ons jou al oor die jare ken, iou hand op alles
gehou en gesorg dat alles glad en suksesvol afloop.
Dankie vir jou uitstekende werk. Op jou kan ons altyd staatmaak en
met 'n geruste hart voortgaan wetende dat alles in jou goeie hande
Vriendelike groete
Riana Kritzinger Pretoria East
Hi Christelle,
Thank you for keeping us updated this entire
time, your team's professionalism and
We trust to deal with you in the near future.
Kind regards
Armand Visagie
Good day Annelize
I thank you for all your help in this matter.
Your service is just simply the best.
Hallo Lisa,
Baie dankie vir julle moeite en professionele
manier waarop julle gehelp het om die
dispuut te besleg. Julle het verseker die
ekstra my gegaan.
Vriendelike groete / Kind regards
Johan van der Westhuizen
Good morning,
Thank you very much for everything that you have
done to make this happen. I truly appreciate your
efficiency and clear communication.
I hope you have a lovely day and weekend.
Kind regards,
Rechia Blignaut
We had an excellent experience with
Snyman de Jager as our bond and transfer
attorneys. Their team, especially Lisa and
Karen, provided outstanding service and
communication throughout the process.
They kept us well-informed at every step and
ensured a quick and efficient transfer and
registration of our house. Highly recommend
their professional and reliable service!
Kind regards
Ruan v/d Westhuizen
We would like to take this opportunity to express
our sincere gratitude for your professional service
and manner throughout this process. Your
diligence and expertise have greatly contributed to
the smooth progression of this sale.
Thank you once again for your exceptional service.
We look forward to any future collaborations we may have.
Kind Regards
Good evening Karien,
Thank you for the feedback.
I hereby want to thank you for your professional
handling of the whole process.
It is highly appreciated.
Kind regards.
Salomé Oosthuizen
I trust this e-mail finds you well.
Now that I have had the opportunity to settle in my new place and
reflect on the process, I feel compelled to write this e-mail. Being in a
field that often evaluates performance standards, I am keenly aware
of service gaps, and I find that there is always room for significant
improvement. For the first time, I am at a complete loss for words. I
started this process with very little procedural knowledge and was
overwhelmed right at the start. However, your team, and in particular,
Karen Brazer, was par excellence. The process was quickly explained
to me in a clear and concise manner. There was continuous
communication and guidance, often without prompt, and I rarely had
to ask a question, whether procedural or status-related. The synergy
that your team has is commendable, and the process is almost
flawless from a user perspective. Not only was my own experience
beyond expectations but my sentiment was mimicked by the seller
and agent, who commented unsolicited on Karen's professionalism
and efficiency.
They say that the best indicator of service offering success is the Net
Promoter Score, and I can confidently state that your team and SDJ,
by proxy, would have scored a 10. I am now a satisfied and loyal SDJ
client. Well done!
Thank you for making my experience not only painless but enjoyable.
Kind regards
Lindi Muller
Dear Lindi
I would like to thank you unreservedly for your
assistance and handling of this "somewhat"
challenging case.
May you go from strength to strength!
With every best wish and regards.
Hallo Lianda,
Baie baie dankie vir julle diens dit was fenominaal dat julle so
problem vry deur dit alles gewerk het.
Ek waardeer dit vreeslik.
Baie dankie vir julle harde werk, liefde en alles wat julle
gedoen het vir ons.
Ons waardeer dit.
Riana du Raan
I would like to take this opportunity of
thanking the SDJ fteam or all their prompt,
professional and emotional support during
the selling of Stand 5127.
Thank you.
I wish you all the very best.
Kind regards
Nicola Le Grange
Hi Annelize,
Thank you very much for the good news!
Thank you to you and your team for your valuable
assistance and expertise in getting the property
transferred to the new buyer.
I am never too busy for any of your referrals!!
Maryann 'Reilly Moreton
Dear Micaela
Thanks a million for resolving this issue for
us. I could not have done this on my own.
Thanks for your professionalism and
Kind regards
Nireen Naidoo
Baie dankie vir hierdie goeie nuus. Ek wil
graag ok van hierdie geleentheid gebruik
maak om vir Snyman de Jager, en by name
vir jou, baie dankie te sê vir die flink en baie
professionele dies wat julle lewer.
Groete en voorspoed
Good day Micaela and Neli,
I hope you are having an awesome day.
Thank you so much for your hard work in
preparing the documents for the
registration of the Erf 211 Murrayfield.
I appreciate your efficiency and quality of
Kind regards
This is a very professional and competent
conveyancing team. The transfer process
went smoothly and I was appraised of the
situation almost daily. A special shout out to
Karen Ferreira who is so professional and
friendly in terms of her flawless work. And to
Lisa Krynauw for quickly stepping up to sort
out any potential issues.
I would highly recommend Snyman de Jager
as a first class conveyancing firm. Thank
you all for a job well done.
Asha Maharaj
1 hereby wish to take this opportunity to thank you for carrying on my behalf the heavy load of dealing with my
mom's estate.
I received the Deed of Transfer around 25 June 2024. Your (missed) calls to me I highly acknowledge - I was
going through a tough period of exams and medical issues. I, however, acknowledge every effort you made
recently and in the past in keeping in touch with me.
I cannot express how grateful I am for your level of support, professionalism and efficiency that led to me
receiving the Deed of Transfer. Losing the only parent I had is the most excruciating pain in the world. I would
have probably been hospitalized or even worse had I had to be the one who had to do all the work you did.
Having to inform people or even speak of my mother's passing is a very difficult thing to do. But you carried all
the pain and responsibility on my behalf. You cushioned the blow and painful reality of having to legally deal
with my mother's estate. And for that I will eternally be grateful.
Thank you, thank you for all you have done for me and my mother. I appreciate you and everyone at Snyman
de Jager.
Warmest Regards
Regards Esther
Good morning Geraldene,
Thank you so much for all your help and support.
May God bless You abundantly for taking care of
my situation, you assisted me when I really
needed all the help I could get
I know you were just doing your job However you
went an extra mile for me and for that I am
Have a blessed day
Baie dankie Karen vir al jou hulp en
Jy en Lisa is n Wen Span
En dis hoekom ek julle altyd verkies.
Baie dankie
I want to give a huge shout-out to Lisa, who was simply amazing
throughout the whole process.
The whole team at Snyman de Jager Attorneys was incredibly
professional and efficient. They were thorough and made sure
every part of my case was handled with care. Communication
was always clear and timely, so I never felt out of the loop.
Would definitely recommend!
Dewald Esterhuysen
Morning Lianda
Thanks for the excellent
Kind regards
Melanie Bosman
On the 15th of August'24
a Property Practitioner
contacted Mr Smit and
asked if it is possible to
register a matter within
3 weeks?
On the 16th of August'24
we received the
instruction and exactly
18 days later on the
10th of September'24,
registration took place.
Absolutely amazing dealing
with the firm. I appreciate the
continuous updates, use of
secure channels and
Thank you team Midstream
Ms Vukile Dlamini
Dear Lena
This is really great news!
Thank you so much for your
guidance and assistance
throughout this period. It has
truly been invaluable.
Doritha October
Good day Karien,
Free at last 🙂
This is great news I have heard
in a long time 🙂
Thank you so much for all the
hard work that you have put
into this transfer especially
when you were dealing with the
municipality, the effort is greatly
Best Regards,
Sipho Ngubonde
Another successful
Instruction received
26 August 2024.
Registration took place
12 September 2024
Well done to Lindi Meyer
and the amazing SDJ
Lianda, ek wou nog vir jou sê
ek gaan julle mis.
Julle is sulke aangename
mense om mee te werk en het
my so gemaklik laat voel en die
hele tyd op datum gehou.
Alles van die beste met julle
volgende goed wat julle alles
Ek is BAIE dankbaar.
Hi Lianda
Thanks for the
feedback and
efficient process.
Ashkelon Packery
Middag Johan
Ek hoop alles loop goed daai kant.
Ek wil net baie dankie se aan SDJ en
spesifiek Lindi met jul aandeel in die
afhandeling van die transaksie.
Lindi se diens, haar vermoe om te
doen wat moet gedoen word en selfs
nog n paar manne vas te vat was n
amazing ervaring.
Toe Ralph vir my aangedui het hoe hy
die transaksie sien verloop tot
oordrag het ek maar stilweg gedink
ok ek wil dit graag sien gebeur"
maar hy het my , my woorde laat sluk.
So baie dankie an almal wie betrokke
was van ondertekening tot oordrag
dit was n onverbeterlike ervaring
Hi Lindi,
Baie baie dankie vir alles wat
julle gedoen het op die
transaksie en vir die flink en
vinnige dies dit word opreg
waardeer, Sê vir almal op die
transaksie heavy baie dankie.
Mooi aand
Niel Cronje
Hi Christelle,
Thank you for your
continuous support and for
your professional
It was quite a journey to get
to this point.
We wish you all the best
with our future ventures.
Kind regards
Hi Christelle,
I would like to personally thank
you for facilitating this purchase
and always being willing to
provide the professional class of
service. Thanks to you, Simona
and the parties at Snyman de
Jager, my family and I now have
a place we can call home.
I wish you nothing but the best
with your future endeavors, and I
can only expect that you will
reach even greater heights after
receiving top-class assistance
from your end.
Mareo Nel
Hi Drina
Hope you are well. I just wanted
to say thank you so much for
your assistance in getting this
matter finalized. I had been
battling since around 2018 to get
this sorted and it never
I really appreciate all the hard
work in getting the matter sorted
in such a quick and professional
Thanks again
Stuart Kerr
Dear Lindi,
It is indeed such good news on a
Friday, what a journey of two
years in waiting for this day to
finallv arrive!!
Thank you for your part, it was
such an easy transition and very
different to what I've experienced
before with other Attorneys -:
much appreciated!!
Take care and have a great
weekend everyone.
Warm regards
Charlene van der Nest
Good Morning Roua
Thank you so much I do appreciate
everything and must give you a
platinum star in resolving your
customer queries.
Have a blessed day.
Kind Regards
Hi Manda,
Baie dankie.
Ek was werklik baie
beindruk met julle diens
en flinkheid.
Ek sal julle verseker in
gedagte hou indien 'n
verkoper my vra vir 'n
verwysing vir 'n
Carina van Brummelen
Hi Karien,
Vreeslik baie dankie vir julle (jou)
fantastiese en vriendelike diens.
Ek sal julle defnitief aanbeveel in
die toekoms. Dit was slegs 'n
plesier om met julle besigheid te
Baie sterkte en groete
Bossie Boshoff
Middag Lindi
Wonderlike nuus, baie dankie aan jou en
jou span!
"You care, you can, and you deliver"
Alles van die beste.
It is indeed such good news on a Friday, what a journey of two years in waiting for this day to finally arrive!!
I’m happy with the new owners and know that Leapfrog will look after them in the same manner they did after me, with their relationship continuing here onwards.
So, I want to take the opportunity to convey my utmost gratitude to the entire Leapfrog properties team, they were just amazing from Selling to Letting (with team Harry, Danelle, Leandri & Karen). I’ll share my sentiments with them as well later-on, once we’ve settled everything irt the Tenant.
Thank you also for your part, it was such an easy transition and very different to what I’ve experienced before with other Attorneys -; much appreciated!!
Take care and have a great weekend everyone. 😊
Warm regards
Charlene van der NestLearning Specialist: Regulatory Compliance Santam
Middag Lindi
Wonderlike nuus, baie dankie aan jou en jou span!
“You care, you can, and you deliver”
Alles van die beste.
Dr Tertia van EedenPERSONAL
Good Morning,
Thank you so much for everything.Hoping to refer more business to you in future.
T Mokoena
Dear Johan and Kyle,
I hope this email finds you well.
I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge and express my sincere appreciation for the exceptional work that Lindi has been doing. Her dedication and professionalism have made a significant impact, and I truly value the way she approaches her role in such a thorough and transparent manner.
Lindi's hard work and consistent communication have not only benefited our internal processes but have also positively influenced our client relationships. Her transparency, both with me and our clients, has played a crucial role in ensuring that everything runs smoothly and effectively. She takes great pride in her work, and this level of professionalism speaks volumes about her commitment to excellence.
Please extend my heartfelt thanks to Lindi for her continued hard work and dedication. She truly sets a high standard for all of us.
Thank you both for your ongoing support, and I look forward to continued success working together.
Chris HumanProperty Practitioner @ We are Prime real esate
Thank you very much for all the effort and hard work you put into completing this process.
Your dedication is greatly appreciated.
Getruida Babies
Dear Johan, Christelle and Kyla.
I hope this email finds well and in good health.
I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the exceptional service you provided during our recent transactions. Your professionalism, attention to detail and prompt feedback were truly impressive.
Your team's ability to listen to our needs ( mostly from Buyers) and provide tailored solutions was invaluable. Whenever we encountered a challenge, you were always available to help us find the perfect solution.
I've had the pleasure of working with you on two transactions last year, and I must say that your consistency in delivering high-quality service is commendable.
Please accept my sincerest appreciation for your hard work and dedication. Your team's commitment to excellence is evident in every aspect of your work. Indeed, after experiencing your outstanding service firsthand, it's clear that your values are more than just a slogan - you truly Care, you Can, and you Deliver!
Thank you once again for your outstanding service!
Kenneth KatendeCandidate property practitioner @ isabel jacobs properties
indi, Willem en Letsie
Baie dankie aan elkeen van julle, en natuurlik ook jou personeel, Lindi.
Dit was ‘n moeitevrye huiskoop ervaring, ons het baie waardering vir julle uiters professionele diens!
Mooi loop,
Jan en Elsabé SwartNet Active
Good day Christelle,
I trust you are well.
I would like to relay a message of appreciation and recognition for the timeous, compassionate and stellar service I received from Annelize Lategan. She assisted me with the transfer of two properties with so much grace, care and diligence.
The excellent level of service I experienced truly made a really challenging time more bearable and less straining. Her work ethic, communication and promptness were the best and I will certainly recommend her and the sdj team (this specific dept.) to others. Her attention to detail, patience in clarifying any unclear matters, problem resolution and how she goes the extra mile is truly appreciated.
Thank you,
Edna(a very happy client)
Lindi & team
Thank you so very much for excellent service from your side.
Have a great day 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Marita JevonProperty Professional @ real estate services
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We are here to assist, get in touch with our team regarding any enquiries by completing the contact form.