1. The Property Practitioners Act provides as one of its objects the protection of the consumer. Property Practitioners therefore have a duty to uphold and protect the interest of the consumer. A central feature of that duty is to ensure that Property Practitioners can uphold and maintain the highest standards of ethical conduct. This Code2 attempts to assist Property Practitioners in achieving that goal. While the Code should be considered a reliable and instructive guide for property practitioners, the obligations it identifies are only the minimum standards of professional conduct expected of members of the profession.
Property Practitioners are encouraged to aspire to the highest standards of, integrity, honour and competence in the practice of their profession, whether or not such standards are formally addressed in this Code.
The Preamble provides 3 amongst others as follows;
AND WHEREAS consumers require assistance when conducting property transactions;
AND WHEREAS property practitioners can play an important role in providing such assistance;
AND WHEREAS it is necessary to ensure that such assistance is rendered in a professional way;
AND it is necessary to regulate circumstances when such assistance is not rendered in a professional way
The Act requires that every property practitioner should be able on request by a consumer provide the consumer with a copy of the code of conduct. The PPRA has re produced a copy of this code of conduct to enable property practitioners to comply with the requirement.
3. Applicability
This Code of Conduct applies to all Property Practitioners defined under section 1 of the Property Practitioners Act.
Download the full Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority Code of Conduct.